The American Craft Beer Fest might just be one of the best shows. There were lots of thirsty fans coming by our booth again and again for samples of lager, cream, and summer. This year Google got in on the action and hosted live Hangouts from the fest which aired on Beer Advocate's Youtube and Google+. It was free and anyone could join as long as they had a Google+ account and was following Beer Advocate. Gansett was the first to participate and after we worked out the technical difficulties we spoke to some folks across the country. All in all the fest was a ton of fun.

What is known as "The Greatest Show On Dirt," was more like the greatest show on mud with the monsoon. The
Providence Kickball League kicked off their 11th season this weekend at the Armory Park. Yes they play rain or shine and drink Gansett to ease the pain or celebrate. All eighteen teams competed on Saturday and all of them slipped and slide through the mud. Narragansett has been the official beer of the PKL for the past 7 seasons. Looking forward to another great one. [gallery link="file" order="DESC" columns="5"] In non-Gansett news, New England had an overall great weekend. The
Celtics tied up their series with the Heat at 2-2. Miss Rhode Island, Olivia Culpo, was crowned
Miss USA. And it was great to see Steven Tyler and Joe Perry presenting an MTV Movie award to Johnny Depp as he rocked out with The Black Keys.