Doherty's East Ave Irish Pub in Pawtucket is the place to be on Monday nights. With their wing specials and sports on the tube the house is packed. They have an excellent draft selection that includes Narragansett lager, light and porter. So we decided to have one of our 120th Anniversary celebrations there last Monday. It was wild! Clammie could barely move and the 'Gansett Girls were running around raffling off sweet gear for everyone. There's wing sauce all over the full petition sheets they collected. We took some video of people taking the pledge and then Jim gave a great quick speech. You can some of that above. The first keg of lager was kicked in a hour. Not bad, but we still had more to go. These anniversary parties are always fun. So if you didn't get to this one, make sure you keep up with our events calendar for more. Here are some photos from the evening.
Weekend Recap: 120th Anniversary Party At Doherty's
Doherty's East Ave Irish Pub in Pawtucket is the place to be on Monday nights. With their wing specials and sports on the tube the...