Visit the Stadium Theatre for a rare treat: free comedic entertainment by the original knuckleheads, Moe, Larry and Curly, guaranteed to bring on the giggles -- and possibly the pranks -- for hours. The Three Stooges Film Festival is appropriate for all ages and is free both nights. There will be big laughs, snacks for purchase, T-shirt giveaways and no repeat episodes, so wrangle up the whole family this weekend and be transported back to the slapstick days of the 1930s and '40s.
And those whacky sure knew a lot about beer. Jan. 6-7. 7 p.m. Free. Stadium Theatre, 28 Monument Sq., Woonsocket, 762-4545, 
Calling all "Dudes" (and "Dudettes")
. Sunday is a "Big" night at
Kings Dedham! Featuring: "The Big Lebowski" starting at 8PM in the Lounge *Playing on ALL of our 30+ HDTV's with FULL Volume! *Movie trivia for PRIZES *Dress up as YOUR favorite character and you can BOWL FOR FREE after! *White Russians as far as the eye can see! It all starts at 8PM THIS Sunday night in our Lounge! Come and enjoy a nice movie, Gansett Tall Boys and amazing food! Then bowl for half off after the movie!
This annual show attracts thousands of visitors throughout New England to the Rhode Island Convention Center, all looking to see whats new and gear up for the boating season. This years new features include training seminars, hands-on demonstrations, a live trout fishing pond and a bargain basement full of great deals on everything boating. Check out whats new in powerboats, sailboats, kayaks, canoes and inflatables along with the latest technology in engines, electronics and accessories. Located in downtown Providence, the Providence Boat Show is one of the finest and most complete shows of the winter warm up season. Follow us on
Twitter (@Gansettbeer) for a chance to win tickets.