Ice Fishing

MyStory: Ice Fishing In New England
Every year a group of high school friends get together to catch-up, enjoy some beer and... freeze their buns off. They head north to the far reaches of Maine where...
MyStory: Ice Fishing In New England
Every year a group of high school friends get together to catch-up, enjoy some beer and... freeze their buns off. They head north to the far reaches of Maine where the lakes are frozen solid and hundreds of...
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New England Traditions: Ice Fishing
Every year a group of high school friends get together to catch-up, enjoy some beer and... freeze their buns off. They head north to the far reaches of Maine where...
New England Traditions: Ice Fishing
Every year a group of high school friends get together to catch-up, enjoy some beer and... freeze their buns off. They head north to the far reaches of Maine where the lakes are frozen solid and hundreds of...
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Weekend Recap: Ice Fishing In Maine
The trip was great. It was a little cold, -12 on Saturday night and a high of 6 on Sunday. We had 9 adults, 3 kids along. 2 of the...
Weekend Recap: Ice Fishing In Maine
The trip was great. It was a little cold, -12 on Saturday night and a high of 6 on Sunday. We had 9 adults, 3 kids along. 2 of the adults were first timers and couldn't believe we...
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New England Heritage: Ice Fishing In Maine
We fished on East Grand Lake close to Danforth, ME and stayed at Greenland Cove cabins on the lake. We discovered that if you crossed the lake to fish the...
New England Heritage: Ice Fishing In Maine
We fished on East Grand Lake close to Danforth, ME and stayed at Greenland Cove cabins on the lake. We discovered that if you crossed the lake to fish the narrows, your cell phone would change to the...
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New England Heritage: Ice Fishing
For Southern New England, ice fishing isn't the most common past time. It never really stays cold long enough for the lakes to freeze that thick. So for the past...
New England Heritage: Ice Fishing
For Southern New England, ice fishing isn't the most common past time. It never really stays cold long enough for the lakes to freeze that thick. So for the past 12 Winters four high school buddies from Falmouth,...
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