New England Americana Festival

Church of Boston will host one of the largest music festivals the Winter has ever heard from February 25th to the 27th. The New England...

New England Americana Festival

Church of Boston will host one of the largest music festivals the Winter has ever heard from February 25th to the 27th. The New England Americana Festival is a music festival celebrating a long tradition of deep rooted American folk music. Over time, these roots have sprung many strong branches, the fruit of which we hope to share and celebrate throughout this 3 night festival of music and art. Bands throughout the Northeast will be coming to share their version of American folk music - their take on a profound tradition - a demonstrative road map on keeping true and pushing forward. Not unlike folk of all traditions, Americana passed down a history of of the experience of a people and holds equal value upon artist as well as audience. The sharing of folk art rests upon interdependence of audience and artist, sharing in a communal experience - the basis upon which the festival rests.

Americana Poster

For tickets and more info check out the artists online at

"...[It] was a very special time and place to be a part of. Maybe it meant something. Maybe not, in the long ... but no explanation, no mix of words or music or memories can touch that sense of knowing that you were there and alive in that corner of time and the world. Whatever it meant..." - H.S. Thompson

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