1) Coorderurt = order in the court
2) Rail crossing
3) Macbeth - Words = A play on words
4) Stefrankin = Frankenstein
5) Evarelto = elevator out of order
6) Revird Taes = backseat driver
7) Shape up or ship out
8) Danube puzzle = Sold down the river
9) No two ways about it
10) Sailing ccccccc = sailing over the seven seas
11) sprinG summEr autumN winTer = a man of all seasons
12) Employ___t = men out of work
13) Oholene = hole in one
14) Misunderstanding between friends
15) West Indies
16) Down in the dumps
17) Growing old
18) Jus144tice = gross injustice
19) Russian dressing
20) The Pink Panther
21) Changing times
22) You are under my skin
23) Watch out for deer crossing
24) You’re not bad yourself
25) Don’t mention it
26) Pursuit of hoppiness
27) Go jump in a lake
28) Bargain basement
29) A frank discussion
30) I feel so silly
31) ._______range = point blank range
32) He came out of nowhere
33) Wolf in sheep’s clothing
34) Anyone for tennis?
35) Take it or leave it
36) Here come de judge
37) Contract extension
38) Eyechart
39) The root of all evil
40) It’s the thought that counts
41) Waste not, want not
42) Its right up your alley
43) History History History = History Repeats Itself
44) Merry-go-round
45) Reading between the lines
46) Looking out for #1
47) Be nice to your neighbor
48) Barrington
49) I wouldn’t bet on it
50) Disappearing without a trace
51) Straight A student
52) Hi Neighbor, Have a ’Gansett
53) The Famous Narragansett
54) New England’s Best Beer
55) Declaration of Independence
56) Strike while the iron’s hot
57) Official Beer of the Clam
58) Drink Your Part
New 2011 Rebus Puzzles Are Here!
1) Coorderurt = order in the court 2) Rail crossing 3) Macbeth - Words = A play on words 4) Stefrankin = Frankenstein 5) Evarelto...