Narragansett Beer Is Now Available In Wisconsin

SAY "HI NEIGHBOR!" TO WISCONSIN! We're Expanding Distribution Beyond The East Coast For The First Time! It comes with great pride that we announce our...

Narragansett Beer Is Now Available In Wisconsin

We're Expanding Distribution Beyond The East Coast For The First Time!

It comes with great pride that we announce our expansion into Wisconsin, marking the beer’s first move beyond the East Coast. Narragansett beer is now officially available for purchase statewide at area bars, restaurants and package stores.

We've partnered with Beechwood Distributing and Specialty Beverage of Wisconsin whose owners are former New Englanders and longtime supporters of the brand. "We are pleased to be part of Narragansett’s first rollout outside of the East Coast," said John Sheehan, General Manager of both operations. "Narragansett’s classic American Lagers and Ales have a rich heritage and tradition similar to many longstanding Wisconsin beers. The company’s ’Hi, neighbor! Have a Gansett!’ tagline is a great fit with the friendly and social Wisconsin culture."

We were drawn to Wisconsin due in large part to their storied history with beer. Just as much of the state’s culture was influenced by an expansive population of German immigrants dating back to 1845, Narragansett Beer was first brewed in 1890 by the "Original Six" team of founders, an entrepreneurial group of German immigrants who brought their brewing techniques and expertise with them to Rhode Island. Further, Wisconsin’s beer business growth - 2,000 breweries the same year ’Gansett was founded - subsequent decline during Prohibition, and revival in the 1980s closely mirrors the Narragansett story as well.

"Narragansett’s expansion into Wisconsin is an exciting step for our company as we continue to accelerate the growth momentum we’ve built over the past six years," explains CEO Mark Hellendrung. "Personally, this is very much a homecoming for me as my entire family is from Wisconsin, and most of my childhood summer vacations were spent there. For more than a century, the state has been home to a great number of beer brands, and we can’t think of a better place to take our first steps beyond the East Coast."

As sales reports come in, we'll be updating our "Where To Buy" list on our website. There you can type in your zip and the list of stores and bars near you will pop up with an address. So keep checking back for more. For now, make sure you ask for Narragansett beer at your local bar or package store. Tell them, Narragansett is available and they can get it from either Beechwood or Specialty Beverage distributors depending on location.

The Narragansett release in Wisconsin was featured in both the State Journal and Madison Beer Review.

*Update: August 20 - Trixie's Liquor Store in Madison is selling Narragansett. Visit them on Facebook.

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