The Great International Beer Fest’s spring event will be held this Sat May 1st with over 50 breweries in attendance. The first session will run from 1-4:30pm and the second will run from 6:30 - 10pm. Regatta will perform during the afternoon and Cadillac Martini will do the honors in the evening. As usual, the Gansett booth (#115) will be in full force with lager, light and porter on tap, so swing by and say hello. The first 20 people at each session who can correctly answer the following Gansett trivia question will win a t-shirt: "Name the last master brewer from the original brewery that Mark brought back to brew the original lager recipe?" If you’re not a trivia buff, or you’re too busy to look it up, then just show your loyalty card to someone working the booth and you won’t walk away empty handed. Taste & Enjoy the show!
Events: Great International Beer Fest
The Great International Beer Fest’s spring event will be held this Sat May 1st with over 50 breweries in attendance. The first session will run...