Join us for an all-day celebration of the nation’s best street eats. Buy a ticket and join us at the Providence Rink for access to some great truck food, Halloween costume contest, beer garden, face painting, bouncy house, recipe competition, prizes, giveaways and exhibitors. Bring your boyfriend, your girlfriend, your dog, your grumpy spouse, your Aunt Esther and your well-behaved kids. And you tell us who you think is the Best in the Northeast! Come hungry. Leave happy.Click here to purchase tickets online.
11:00 AM
Food Truck Bash Begins at the Providence Rink & Biltmore Park. Enjoy food from your favorite trucks, beer garden, live exhibitors, a bouncy house (we recommend you eat after bouncing!), music, giveaways and on-site voting. Plus take a photo of you and your friends in our Bash Booth.
1:00 PM
Costume Contest
2:00 PM
Chef Demo (To be revealed) - Enjoy as local Chef personality presents a cooking class, demonstrating a fabulous new food truck recipe, featuring Maker’s Mark â„¢ bourbon.
4:00 PM
Food Truck Judging Begins!
Best of the Northeast
Best Maker’s Mark ® bourbon recipe
Best Halloween recipe
Awards and prizes!
8:00 PM
Goodnight Food Trucks...happy trails!