It was quite the eventful weekend. Yes we did find our beloved Tall Boy in Providence. But besides that the Gansett Girls were all over again. Starting with our Neighbor Day tour in Worcester. Think the above video pretty much sums that one up. Tall Boy riding the mechanical bull at the Salty Dog is classic. It's also Brew Fest and Oktoberfest season. Check out the gallery below for photos from all the brew fests we were at this past weekend like Salem's Oktoberfest, Haverhill Brewfest, Festival Of Ale and the Amesbury Brewfest. Everyone loves attending brew fests in New England and always love that they can have a Gansett at them. Steve Smith & The Nakeds played a lot of shows this past summer at Effins and one of them was rained out. So to close it out right they had the reschedule this past weekend. Those photos and more are below.
Bands Of The Week: Boobstock
It was quite the eventful weekend. Yes we did find our beloved Tall Boy in Providence. But besides that the Gansett Girls were all over...