This is the oldest ad for Narragansett Bock Beer that we know of. Thanks to Greg Theberge for sending it among other great pieces. This means over 100 years ago, the Bock was officially released. 101 years and 1 week to be exact. Today's 'Gansett Bock might be a slightly different recipe being a German Helles style and all, but the heritage remains the same. Craft brewed with the finest malts and hops for a delicious flavor. Due out just before Spring with the famous ram on the label to commemorate this glorious season. This year's should be on shelves soon and some places have already started carrying it. They must've kept this ad and did as they were told. Ordering early will ensure prompt delivery. It's the best ever. Hi Neighbor, Have a 'Gansett Bock. Here are some more great Bock Beer ads.

The rams are having a party. Reminiscent of the old Bock Beer Festivals the brewery used to have.

Gov. J. Joseph Garrahy, former 'Gansett Goodwill Man, at the Bock Beer Festival in the 1970's.