Revolutionary War

New England Heritage: Boston Tea Party
On this day in 1773, a group of Massachusetts colonists disguised as Mohawk Indians boarded three British tea ships and dumped 342 chests of tea into Boston Harbor, which is...
New England Heritage: Boston Tea Party
On this day in 1773, a group of Massachusetts colonists disguised as Mohawk Indians boarded three British tea ships and dumped 342 chests of tea into Boston Harbor, which is no known as the infamous Boston Tea Party....
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Hi Neighbor Heritage: Gaspee Days
In June of 1772 brave colonists from Rhode Island burned the British revenue schooner, HMS Gaspee, during what has become recognized as the first bloodshed of the American Revolution. For...
Hi Neighbor Heritage: Gaspee Days
In June of 1772 brave colonists from Rhode Island burned the British revenue schooner, HMS Gaspee, during what has become recognized as the first bloodshed of the American Revolution. For the past 48 years the village of Pawtuxet,...
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New England Heritage: Gaspee Days
In June of 1772 brave colonists from Rhode Island burned the British revenue schooner, HMS Gaspee, during what has become recognized as the first bloodshed of the American Revolution. For...
New England Heritage: Gaspee Days
In June of 1772 brave colonists from Rhode Island burned the British revenue schooner, HMS Gaspee, during what has become recognized as the first bloodshed of the American Revolution. For the past 47 years the village of Pawtuxet,...
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