
Hi Neighbor Heritage: Kennedy Wedding

Hi Neighbor Heritage: Kennedy Wedding

Yesterday marked the 60th wedding anniversary of JFK and Jackie Bouvier. Senator John Fitzgerald Kennedy of Massachusetts married Jacqueline Lee Bouvier, a photographer for the Washington Times-Herald, at St. Mary's...

Hi Neighbor Heritage: Kennedy Wedding

Yesterday marked the 60th wedding anniversary of JFK and Jackie Bouvier. Senator John Fitzgerald Kennedy of Massachusetts married Jacqueline Lee Bouvier, a photographer for the Washington Times-Herald, at St. Mary's Church in Newport, Rhode Island. More than 750...

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Hi Neighbor Heritage: The 1970s Can

Hi Neighbor Heritage: The 1970s Can

It's the can that everyone remembers. Maybe it was your dad drinking one after mowing the lawn. Or gramps sucking them back by the pool. Your uncles enjoying a few...

Hi Neighbor Heritage: The 1970s Can

It's the can that everyone remembers. Maybe it was your dad drinking one after mowing the lawn. Or gramps sucking them back by the pool. Your uncles enjoying a few at every family bbq before switching to coffee....

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