Paul Cox

Paul Cox When independent filmmaker Steven Vaughn asked if we wanted to team up for a trip to Brooklyn to meet the legendary Paul Cox,...

Paul Cox

Paul Cox

When independent filmmaker Steven Vaughn asked if we wanted to team up for a trip to Brooklyn to meet the legendary Paul Cox, we said, “uh… yeah.” We didn’t have to think about it, but we were so stunned by the opportunity that it took us a minute to really comprehend what we were being asked.

Paul Cox

Don’t know Paul Cox? Let’s put it this way – the Made On Honor series strives to find individuals and businesses that see past barriers, who endlessly push themselves to continue learning and elevating their craftsmanship, those that carry the torch of how things WERE made and know that their work reflects much more than just themselves, but all those that paved the way before them. Paul is all of the above and an endless vat of knowledge to boot. He knows no limits, and after watching him work that concept is even harder to grasp.

Paul Cox

As a motorcycle builder and metalsmith he has honed every process of the bike building process from fabricating, to leather working, to paint, and he doesn’t stop there. Paul then takes the skills that he has learned over the years and has explored other personal interests. He now hand crafts world class knives, beautifully hand stitched and designed leather goods, as well as stunning artwork from mock-up drawings to gorgeous illustrations.

A day in Paul’s shop is a glimpse into the days of old. Draped in a well beaten leather shop apron, he glides from station to station throughout the day in a warehouse filled with relics that have served craftsmen for many decades or longer – not one piece of machinery was made prior to 1960, and that’s just the way he likes it.

It’s truly awe-inspiring to see all that one man can produce and perfect at such a world-class level, and we get the feeling that he’s only just getting started.

Company: Paul Cox Industries
Website:Click here

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