Bryant Miss Hi Neighbor Pageant

Attention Bryant University ’Gansett-loving ladies: We’re looking for you to represent Bryant in the Miss Hi Neighbor pageant. If you think you’ve got what it...


Attention Bryant University ’Gansett-loving ladies: We’re looking for you to represent Bryant in the Miss Hi Neighbor pageant. If you think you’ve got what it takes to win the crown, then come to Parentes in Smithfield this Tuesday, November 17 from 10 to Midnight. Make sure you're "dressed-to-impress" and don't forget to brush up on Narragansett and New England knowledge. The lucky winner of the Miss Hi Neighbor Bryant crown will win a year supply of 'Gansett (12 cases) and a photo shoot from Providence Pinup and of course the honorary title of Bryant's Miss Hi Neighbor. The winner will also be able to compete in the final Miss Hi Neighbor pageant coming in Summer 2010. You must be 21+ to enter. Good luck, ladies and we'll see you there!


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